I hate........
Public bathroom sinks whose taps are positioned so close to the basin your hands touch the sink while washing them
The smell of eggs, or EVEN WORSE the smell left in the room after someone cooked eggs, OR WORSE STILL the smell of rotten eggs. some bitch dumped half a dozen cartons of broken eggs in the waste bin where I work, and they were left there for days and they fucking STUNK
CONSTRUCTION NOISE early in the morning when I'm trying to sleep. I had the worst time last night, I saw a spider crawling up my wall JUST as I was about to fall asleep(if it was even real), so I spent the next 30mins pulling my bed away from the wall and trying to find the spider to KILL IT, but it fucking disapeared forever. Then, a few hours later(7am, I work night shifts so it's fucking awful waking up that early), I was woken up to the sound of DRILLS and ANGLE GRINDERS and SLEDGEHAMMERS as my parents were getting something installed in the house, and I couldn't fucking sleep. I stuffed clothes under my doors and turned up my fan, and put a pillow over my head, but I could still HEAR IT. ERRRRR WAHHHH KRGHHHHHHH BRRRR CHING CHING CLANKKKK!!!!!!!! Echoing in my head, over and over, OH MY FUCKING GOD
Getting mascara in my eyes
Getting mascara all over my eyelid
Sneezing/flinching with wet mascara on
Dogs barking/howling/whining, fuck you neighbours. Also FUCK the uppity CAT that likes to come into our backgarden, scare our chickens to death, and then sits in front of MY window, staring, licking itself, until I notice it's there and then I run out the door to hopefully spray water at the smug bitch, but it runs away too fast and I'm just left pissed off at that retarded cat. I SWEAR it does it on purpose......
The inner blanket falling to one side, making the duvet uneven
Working. I hate, despise, working. I don't want to answer questions from customers. I don't want to do manual labour. I don't want to open another fucking box. It's soooooo fucking dull, my brain shrivels up a little bit more everytime I clock in. Atleast my arms look great now.... lifting boxes for 5 hours will do it to you, God..... Can you tell I have to leave for work in an hour?
Wiping your hands on a wet towel, I get chills then immedietly rewash my hands, lol
The fucking music they play over the radio station at work. Sometimes it's good, most of the time it's "I am your mother, you listen to me. Stop your mainsplaining blah blah blah" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CANNOT HEAR THAT GODAWFUL SONG ANOTHER TIME
And even worse, the ADS the FUCKING ADS they play on the loud speaker at work. It's torture, they even play AFTER the store closes and no customers are present. The absolute worst one starts with sounds of rodents scratching, eughhhhh.
Oooooh I also HATE starting work at 5pm, instead of my usual 7/8pm.... so many fucking people running amok, asking me retarded questions over and over and over again
People who talk so quietly you can't understand them, oh my God
The neighbours' dogs BARKING and HOWLING. I think this is the worst, insipid WOOF WOOF BARK BARK OHHH GOD IT NEVER STOPS
People with bad breath, and having to endure it
Biting the inside of your mouth while eating
Biting the inside of your mouth AGAIN while eating so it bleeds and now I can't fucking eat anything
The smell of cooking meat, especially game-ier stuff
The smell of someone's old food + warm water + soap, I swear I actually start to gag. And the look of old food floating in dirty water and the colour.... it bothers me so much.
When my heart feels as if it's being squeezed in a vice, AKA right now
When I feel like I'm about to forget how to breathe
Being too hot, especially since I go red really easily. I remember in 8th grade I was DYING over the heat, and my business studies teacher made a joke, like, "you're embarrased because you're too hot" or what-the-fuck ever, bitch made me go even redder.
The awkwardness that ensures when someone has a heavy accent and they ask where something is at work, I can never understand them. then i feel bad and they feel bad. the other day, i thought a guy was saying "bottle", and I kept asking him "which bottle?".... he was asking where the butter was
And another thing, when customers at work DON'T EVEN TRY to find what they're looking for. In the biscuit isle and asking me where a specific cookie is? Sure, there's probably 50 different kinds at my store, no problem. In the coffee section and asking where the hot chocolate is? Fine. In the milk isle and asking where CUCUMBERS ARE? In the chocolate/chip isle and asking where the ANGEL HAIR PASTA IS? Try, atleast fucking try....
People who LOVE asking me in front of a CROWD of people if I'm "OKAY?" or "HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING?" ARGHHHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! If you really cared, ask me when we're alone, not infront of a class listening in, or infront of 20 or so of my coworkers. Fucking bitches. And yes, this is directed to two specific people, fuckers
The neighbours fighting
The neighbours kid singing, he's 8 and he never shuts the fuck up.
How fucking early the sun sets. It's 5pm and it's dark. I barely see the sun anymore. ... . ..
Untangling tangled necklaces
Spotify ads
Myserious liquid all over public bathroom floors.....
Literal shit smeared on public toilet stalls, fucking animals
Being a woman and getting PERIOD CRAMPS, AHHHHH!!!!! My mum keeps trying to put me on birth control, NO!!!!!!
Me being terminally UNABLE to swallow any pills so having to CHEW pain meds. Utterly disgusting
People who can pull off black hair, do you know how jealous I am of you? I have 2 options: cool blonde, or cool dirty blonde.
Empty toilet paper rolls left on the holder
Smudging wet nailpolish
Chipped nailpolish
Sticky or oily fingers
My fringe falling out of my headband when washing my face and getting wet
Water trailing down my arms and into my shirt's sleeves when washing my face
Forgetting to put on my laundry and realising most of my clothes are dirty, so having to wear some ugly shirt from 8th grade
Me being utterly incapable of commiting to anything . UGH
And, coming from lack of commitment, I always seem to leave things too late. I think I deffered my uni after my lapse date, so I'll have to pay another ~$70 to reapply. And all the people I never talked to, or old friends I never messaged again. It's always, I'm always, too fucking late
Waking up late when you promised yourself to wake up early
Greasy hair, I cannot fucking stand the look or feel of it, on me or on other people. Please, wash yourself!!!! You're disgusting!!!!!! Your hair is raping my eyeballs!!!!!
Feeling sick for no fucking disernable reason?
Snide remarks directed to me
People who wont shut the fuck up so I can do my work
People who don't take fucking NO as an answer just respect my fucking NO
People with ZERO tact who cannot take a fucking hint
I don't want to whine(even though that's the whole point of this page) about how much I hate phonecalls, because that's standard rhetoric. HOWEVER, I hate when my boss TEXTS ME, simply, "call me", hahahaha, and it's always over something that would of taken about 15 words to write, and then send, as a text message.
But what i do HATE, is VIDEOCALLS. I DESPISE(!!!!!!!) THEM. Omg, I have a hangup about how I look when I talk, and knowing someone's seeing that on video, makes me wanna puke. And there's so little privacy with them too, they can just record the whole exchange or my nosy brother could just be listeing to me from outsdie my door. And the set up and angst that comes with figuring out the lighting, and making sure my mircrophone is working and then i can't figure out why the mic isn't working, even though by all reason it should be..... let's just phone eachother instead.
Feeling ugly
Playing on an out of tune piano
Playing on a piano with broken keys....
Having to touch someone's dirty mice / keyboard. Whyyyyy are so many people's mice greasy?
Dumb whores
Dealing with bureaucracy
Waiting in service stations.... no one is having fun here
Buses being cancelled without warning
Exccessivly late busses, or actually, worse, busses that are like 10 minutes early .....
Forcing myself do anything. I have, and ALWAYS WILL, choose rotting in my room over living. I've been like this since I was a little kid, I love doing nothing a biiiittttt too much....
The sound of weeds being scraped off concrete with a metal tool
The sound of cutting food with metal knifes on ceramic plates, my Mum does this one all the time
The sound of chainsaws early in the morning, thxs neighbours
Mosquito bites, itchy hell
This one middle aged whore at work who, I swear, is fucking retarded and never shuts up Recinded, I saved a case of vanilla coffee syrup she was coveting for weeks, and when I gave it to her she was so happy I could just, I can't hate her anymore. I'm so weak. she also ran up to me, wasted, and gave me chocolate. like come on....
People chewing with their mouth open
People who finger their mouth while eating shared food
Men with pubestaches
Fat people, hehe
People who whine like "oh my godddd I can't that has SO many calories, so high in sugar, do you know how bad this is for you? Oh alright I'll just have a TINSY WHINSY small piece"
Or people who judge you for EATING NORMAL AMOUNTS OF NORMAL FOOD. I was talking to one of my coworkers recently--a guy in his 20s who bodybuilds (there are so many gym guys where I work)-- and we were talking about what we typically eat in a day, and when I said "pasta" he fucking gasped and looked so shocked, "you know that's bad for you, right? so many carbs" SHUT UPPPP!!!!!! LET ME LIVE. Weirdass body builder who pulls BOILED EGGS out of his pocket and nibbles on them thruout the day.
Obese people who go "oh my godddddd I eat NOTHING I don't understand why I'm so fat. I eat a slither of cake and gain 5 kgs. Loosing weight is soooooo hard. I'm just not naturally skinny, I have a slow metabolism." SHUT UPPPP! We all know you're lying
People who are so obviously attempting to "subtly" gloat about how little sleep they get, cutting themselves, eating nothing, etc
Anime, and honestly anyone who's a fan of it
Lines at the cardboard crusher
My boss who tells me to "work faster" not matter how fast I work, bitch
Watery coffee.... and coffee in general, energy drinks and pre-workout 4 life
Tik tok
Youtube shorts
Instagram reels, and really just any short form video platform. Like, oh God, have you ever seen Snapchat's explore (or whatever the fuck you call it) page? But yeah, Tiktok is the worst of them by far, stupid fucking bitches....
SUNBURN, OH MY GOD WHY HAVE I NEVER SAID SUNBURN. I'm really pale, right? I live in Australia, right? I am not built for this fucking country. Burn burn burn ouch ouch ouch, my face looks like a tomato. I am good at wearing sunscreen 24/7, I specially import non-greasy sunscreen (watery essence I love you) to wear. But, occansionally I miss a spot. Or, like, back in Summer this year, I was sitting next to a lake with a few friends and I WAS wearing sunscreen, but I didn't account for my tote bag rubbing it all off of one shoulder, and my shoulder was neon red for weeks before it finally healed. The sun BURNS here
Chapped lips
Being dehydrated
Loading bars terminally stuck on 100% completion
The sound of my brother's door. In my house, you can hear everything anyone else does, and that includes the erghhhhhhh of my brother opening his door for the fifth time at 5am when I'm trying to sleep. Ooh, and I also hate when the washing machine goes off in the middle of the night, it goes beep beep beep beep until someone comes and turns it off.
No soap in bathrooms
Buffering videos
Kids with parents able to give them $500 a week for uni. Hahahahaha fuck you. I envy you
Being poor, the hoi polloi , working class.....
DEALING WITH STUDENT ACCOMODATION!!!!!! I just spent 2 and a half hours trying to submit an application for student accomodation because the site's server kept getting overloaded..... I would get to the last step and suddenly, "Service unavalible", AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! So frustrating, if I don't get an offer for accomodation for this University I'll have to go to a different one, because no way in hell am I getting a private rental when I have: no significant income, and no rental history as a nineteen year old student. AND I would have to take a 52 week contract, which, no, I want to go home to see my family during the holidays. Student housing in this country is abysmal. For the Uni I originally wanted to go to, it started at $400 a WEEK for housing, and you had to take a 52 week contract. That's almost $21,000 for a year, NOT including food or any other costs. I don't have, my parents don't have, and centerlink sure as hell wont give me, that kind of money. Really, I don't need much, just a clean room with a lockable door
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